Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Growth as a yoga teacher calls for commitment to practice,...

Growth as a yoga teacher calls for commitment to practice, expansion of knowledge and openness to inspiration. Further your knowledge and fuel the fire of your yogic journey with the most comprehensive 300 Hour Teacher Training Program around! Yoga Teachers must be RYT 200 to enroll in the Advanced Pure Flow Yoga Teacher Training 300 Hour TT program. Enrollment Starts NOW! Program begins THIS JANUARY… Details At:

The 300 Hour program provides a platform for yoga teachers to explore the next level of their expertise and discover their true path as a yoga instructor. This program provides optional “pick and choose” workshops that allow teachers to follow the track that best suits their individual professional calling…. By “picking and choosing,” trainees can develop their own unique journey that meets their needs, satisfies their thirst for knowledge and provides not only teacher development, but personal development as well!

The 300 Hour Advanced Teacher Training program is designed in a format that is easy to schedule and afford. It allows you to move at your own pace (complete within 3 years of start date) and select courses that support your personal teaching path, rather than a “one size fits all” program.

Following completion of the program, students will be eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as a RYT 500 (Yoga Alliance also requires documentation of 100 hours of teaching experience following completing a 200 Hour training to register as RYT 500).

Photo captured by the incredibly talented Ashlee Flaig-Ashley Flaig Photography

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