Saturday, October 18, 2014

{As I honor my day of birth with gratitude and reflection,...

{As I honor my day of birth with gratitude and reflection, I’m so blessed to have my incredible boyfriend, amazing family and friends and my Yoga that consistently teaches me that what I receive from it ripples so far off the mat — Through the rough and challenges in life… Through the ebbs and flows, which bounce frequently in between ups and downs, in joy, in success, in pain, in sorrow, in depression, in bliss, in contentment… In anything and everything, it’s YOGA that brings me back to myself, that teaches me and constantly gives me wisdom, balance and equanimity. This year the world is giving me the opportunity to stand up against 2 people who tried to steal my spirit and my world!! The universe gives us opportunities to show us who we are, how courageous we are AND how strong we really are!!! I will Stand Up and I will Rise Up this year!!!! No one’s going to steal my Spirit, Happiness, Joy and Passion!!! I love yoga! I love teaching it, sharing it and giving it!!! And no one can take that away from me… No matter how hard they try to tear me down. I am 35 today and I feel AMAZING!!! I feel stronger, wiser and able to go through this journey towards everything that’s coming this year!!! Here’s to a year that will show me how strong I truly am!!! Thank you universe for giving me this opportunity to STAND UP FOR ME and MY Yoga Community!!!!! My 35th Bday Photo captured by the amazing @asha_aum @ashleyflaigphotography #HappyBirthday #Yoga #ElinoreCohenYoga #PureFlowYoga #IntentionIsEverything #LasVegasYoga #LasVegasYogis #VegasYogi #VegasYogis} via Instagram

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