Wednesday, July 2, 2014

{What if you knew that it was just one more step until you...

{What if you knew that it was just one more step until you accomplished your greatest success? You’d surely take that step, even if you knew it would be a hard one to take. If you’re going through a tough time right now, it could be that better times are just around the corner, and if you push past what you’re going through you could get what it is you really want. Letting a setback or a perceived failure get the better of you is a sure fire way not to get what you want, so take that next step because it might just be the one that puts you in the direction of your dreams! So… SHINE ON with a BIG SMILE on your face!!! Happy Day Friends!… xoxox~eli #Yoga #ElinoreCohenYoga #PureFlowYoga #IntentionIsEverything #Smile #ShineOn} via Instagram

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