Monday, June 30, 2014

The intention of our yoga practice isn’t in the ability to...

The intention of our yoga practice isn’t in the ability to find a pose… but rather in how positively the practice of these poses changes the way we live our life and engage in our relationships with each other… Truly! The real work starts at the end of the pose!… I had a wonderful weekend sharing these pearls and truths with the beautiful yoga community at Yahweh Yoga ••• it was such a gift to share two days with such open, kind, eager students!!! Thank you Yahweh Yoga for filling me up with yoga gratitude and showing me how no matter what brings us to our mat… Yoga always works… To connect us… To give us opportunities to grow, transform, feel humbled, connect to spirit, cultivate joy, power, strength, comfort, balance and above all community! I’m so grateful to Courtney Chalfant for the opportunity to share in your special yoga community!!! xoxox~eli #Yoga #ElinoreCohenYoga #PureFlowYoga #IntentionIsEverything

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