Monday, June 30, 2014

{I love sharing in yoga love with other yoga teachers, and this weekend I got the opportunity to share in this “Yoga Love” with the beautiful, inspiring, and oh so wise @courtneychalfant! Thank you Courtney for sharing your advise, wisdom, thoughts and encouragement with me! You forever changed my life with your words of inspiration!!! Thank you for guiding me and subtly pushing me to take the next steps in my teaching career!!! ••• I’ve always believed that to teach yoga, you must be true to your understanding of the practice. This requires maturity, honesty, and faith. To teach yoga well, you must be passionately engaged in it as a personal practice. T.K.V. Desikachar writes in Health, Healing and Beyond: Yoga and the Living Tradition of Krishnamacharya, “A teacher of Yoga should live a life of Yoga—to practice what is taught.” And that, he says, is to engage in “continuous practice and self-study.” Teaching yoga is a form of tapas, a discipline that requires you to live with as much integrity and compassion as you can muster. A love for yoga, and a commitment to the practice, is the first prerequisite for any yoga teacher. Yoga teachers ROCK!!! We give everything we have everyday and share everything we have with everyone who graces us with their presence. I love you Courtney and I’m truly grateful for you!!!! May we all as yoga teachers find inspiration and support from each other!!! xoxox~eli ••• #Yoga #ElinoreCohenYoga #PureFlowYoga #IntentionIsEverything} via Instagram

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