Tuesday, August 12, 2014

{I’m going through the process of Re-Designing my website, and am in the beginning stages of photoshoots for the new site… Feling an overwhelming sense of gratitude and thankfulness for all that I have, and all the amazing people in my life! I’m incredibly blessed to have @ashleyflaigphotography taking these captures!!! This is a sneak peek look at the photos to come! ••• Feel as grateful to existence as possible. For small things, not only for great things… Just for sheer breathing. We don’t have any claim on existence, so whatever’s given is a gift… Grow more and more in gratitude and thankfulness. Embody gratitude. ••• Grateful to and for all that we have and all that we don’t have. Namaste beloveds xoxox~eli #Yoga #ElinoreCohenYoga #PureFlowYoga #IntentionIsEverything #Gratitude} via Instagram http://ift.tt/1r81Vml

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